[NEXTSAFE] Hydro Cool Freshner Triple Spray Pack-Cool Solution BIRCH TREE WATER SPRITZ-Made in Korea
USD $17.22
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Product Code: 07_Next Safe
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Product Description
Freshen up your life with a cooling liquid!
-Soothe moist skin with birch sap and marigold extract, and prepare for daily life, sports, and sweltering heat economically at once with the powerful cooling power used by experts in heat wave first aid.
-Cooling solution, which was applied for professional emergency and disaster use, has been released as a 3-type spray pack that can prevent heat waves, respond to scorching heat, and cool sports in our daily lives, as well as provide refreshing scalp care and clear mental care. The 200ml large-capacity cooling solution can be divided into 3 types of cosmetic sprays and can be refilled, and it can be sprayed up to 2,000 times, so it can be used economically for a long time.
-Slightly acidic birch sap that balances the skin's healthy PH is a natural cooling solution that can be used casually on sensitive skin, and marigold extract is a cooling ingredient that relieves skin irritation and maintains physical condition with antioxidant action.
-Sodium hyaluronate penetrates the cooling liquid into the keratin of the skin to provide moisture and hold it for a long time of refreshing cooling. These key ingredients, lemon flavor, and NextSafe's researched cooling power combine to create a professional-grade, powerful professional-grade cooling solution that can be used by professionals.
![](https://d3d3ajccnahae5.cloudfront.net/image/catalog/Seller_6356/product/07_Next Safe/detail-20240514022209-1715653329.jpg)
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